Faith-based Community Action

Title: “Reconciliation and Social Justice Community Action Workshop

Purpose: to empower the faith community for social action and for change, a community united around the concept of restorative justice. The reconciliation process group (rpg) format (see the “Faith-based Community Action Workshop” for full description of workshop) will provide the structure for the workshop.  While changing the world one person at a time cannot be undervalued, the faith community as a whole is looking for ways to have impact on the unmet needs of human suffering. This workshop, Reconciliation and Social Justice Community Action, is intended to develop unity at the community and local church level by exploring and addressing common roadblocks and barriers to effective action. Suggested topics might include (but not limited to) the biblical concept of justice, spiritual formation (for sustainability), processing the wounds of injustice, identifying personal fears that interfere with taking action steps, and concrete, attainable goal-setting for ongoing ministries.