phases of the rpg approach

the rpg (reconciliation process group) approach is designed to be a three phased program. Each phase addresses an aspect of the healing process:


Phase One is designed to establish the guidelines necessary to build a group culture of healing. Learning the rpg model of healing is the primary focus along with the behaviors that build safety, respect, and dignity for each member in the group.

Phase Two is designed to build on the skills learned in phase-one. The rpg group processing model (for illustrations) fits here in Phase Two and is used to structure the group meetings. Group members use phase-one tools in Phase Two with the goal of healing relational trauma. Through the use of the rpg model, healing trauma helps us find a balanced and stable reconciliation. Structured support, guidance, and appropriate facilitation are all central for the healing process in Phase Two.

Phase Three provides long-term support to the individuals who have finished with phases one and two. Phase-three is task-oriented and designed to extend healing into each person’s relational world, and the larger community. Lessons learned in this healing process reinforce the growth found in the earlier phases.

Each phase has a different set of goals and different tasks and skills to meet those goals.